Why a Whole Chicken is Brilliant Value

cheap cuts of chicken
If you’re a meat-eater, sometimes it can really send your grocery bill sky high. Luckily, there are some ways to get fantastic value for money when shopping for meat, in particular, chicken.
Chicken is an all-round great meat. Just 100g is full of vital nutrients you need every day, such as 25% of your necessary protein, 10% of your required vitamin B6, and smaller amounts of vitamin A, calcium, iron, and magnesium.
But what about price, and more importantly, value? Well, a quick online supermarket comparison shows it costs between £4.99 and £6.50 for a 2Kg chicken.
What to do with it:
  1. Feed 4-6 people a roast dinner
  2. There will be a lot of meat left, so cut it all off and have it as leftovers the next day
  3. Turn the chicken over and cut off the meat from underneath, this is good for stir-fry.
  4. Boil the carcass down and make a stock, like I’m doing in my slow-cooker here :)
That is a whole lot of meaty and delicious dinners for £5, plus the cost of a few veg. If you really have loads of meat left over, you can also freeze it down into manageable portions.
When the cost of buying a few chicken fillets to feed the family is more expensive than buying a whole chicken… I know which choice I am going to make!
Photo credit: amenic181/freedigitalphotos.net


  1. Feed 4-6 people with roast chicken? What madness is this! My chicken and mine only! :)

    OK, to be fair, even though I could eat an entire chicken I’d probably cook three meals with it.

    1. ah…. a man after my own heart I see! Well, if you are ever in London, we shall have to have a chicken-eating contest! We can go to Nando’s and order a whole chicken each, and see who finishes that baby off!

  2. I love chicken and in days gone by, I use to just buy chicken fillets which got pretty expensive! Now, I hardly ever buy chicken breast fillets and get chicken thighs, drumsticks, wings or just buy a whole chicken instead.

    Lot better value for my money!

  3. I should really look at prices when I go grocery shopping. I shop with my mom and just toss things in the shopping cart. Bad habit. I tend to get the frozen spicy chicken wings. All I do is microwave them and they taste great. Maybe not as cheap, but they’re a great time saver.

    Good post, cheers.

    1. I’m pretty much in love with chicken, even though I think I need to eat more red meat, but I also love chicken wings. BUT chicken wings are dirt cheap to buy, you could make your own awesome marinade for a big tub of them, then put them on your BBQ, mmmmmmm

      Cheers for stopping by Henry!

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