Just a quick note to say that there’s going to be a bloggers meet up for any of you personal finance or financial independence writers out there in the UK, or nearby (like BELGIUM!).
Huw, from Financially Free by Forty is organising it:
21st March
Please contact Huw, or check his site for more precise details, as they become available.
I’d love there to be a decent-sized crowd attending, so pop it in your diary right now!
Hi TV,
Thank you so much for mentioning the Gathering. I really appreciate it!
I’m looking forward to meeting you in person and all of the other readers and bloggers. It should be a cracking day!
Absolutely! I’m looking forward to it too!
Haha, subtle, M, subtle! 🙂
Too bad I won’t be there! If it’s easier to reach I’ll definitely make a quick trip to the UK to meet up with you guys.
No More Waffles recently posted…Why I Signed up for Dance Class – Expand Your Comfort Zone
Hey man, like what I did there, eh? Well I’m sad you won’t be there. You can always come over on the eurostar next time, especially if we have a meet up in a closer city, maybe in Cambridge?!