There's Value - Liebster Award Nomination

There’s Value – Liebster Award Nomination



Joe at Budget Breakaway kindly nominated me for a Liebster Award, which I accept! The rules of accepting are:

1. Display the Liebster Award logo on your blog (done!)
2. Link back to the person who has nominated you (done!)
3. Answer the questions they have posed (done!)
4. Create questions of your own (done!)
5. Choose your own nominations to continue the fun (done!)


1. If I gave you £100 but told you that you had to invest it somewhere new, what would you do with it?

I would buy the highest ranked share off my watchlist. Does that count Joe? Or does it have to be a completely new area of investment? If the latter is so, then I would pay a CompSci student to help me start building another website idea I’ve been plotting for a while.

2. What is your next financial goal and what will help you to achieve it?
To earn £50 in dividend income by the end of this year. I do need to make a couple more small purchases, or else I think this won’t happen! Money has been tight over Summer, but if I tough it out, I think and hope I can do it. Focussing on the goals really motivates me, so I guess I need to really do that!

3. Who would you say you look up to as a financial role model?
Am I allowed to have more than one? Well this might sound weird, but Jesus and Ben Franklin. Jesus got money from a fish’s mouth to pay his tax, and whipped a bunch of cheating bureau de change guys in the Temple. Both sound fun. Wouldn’t YOU like to crack a weapon over certain cheaters? And I’d definitely love it if my local river fish started winging me cash. He also said: ‘give and you shall receive’. Pretty simple, pretty true.

Ben Franklin, because he also said the simple truth: ‘the quickest way to wealth is to spend less than you earn’. I’ve read his autobiography several times, it’s really cool.

4. What is your most productive time of the day?
Probably late morning through lunchtime, before I crash and need an afternoon nap. If I haven’t had an espresso in the morning, then NEVER, lol. Or perhaps late evening when my spouse is in bed and the baby is in bed. Then I can FINALLY have some peace and quiet to blog, research, and answer Liebster Award nomination questions…

5. If you could go back and undo one of your financial mistakes, what would it be?
Not saving and donating regular percentages of my income from the very beginning, according to my current plan. I mean, I am gonna teach my, currently 1yr old, kid to follow a financial plan similar to that which I’ve come up with, because I basically didn’t have one before, but saved sometimes, donated sometimes, but was inconsistent always. Consistency is one of those essential traits that you really need to get into the discipline of practising on your finances from an early age. This, of course, also goes for many areas of life.


Ok, phew, so I’ve answered all those questions. Here’s what I wanna know:

1. If you got a sudden windfall (e.g. lottery, big compensation payout, etc.) what would you do with the money? Let’s say it’s £5million.
2. What is you favourite financial book, or if you don’t have one, your fave PF blog?
3. Football (Soccer) or rugby?
4. What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
5. Which will win, electric cars, hydrogen fuel cell cars, something else, or a combo? Give reasons for your answer.

I nominate:

1. Investing Pursuits
2. Stef von Grow
3. Dividend Gravy
4. Steve at Kapitalust
5.Laura at No More Spending

If you’re a reader and I haven’t nominated you , please feel free to answer the questions in the comments. If I have nominated you and you’ve already received a Liebster award, please also feel free to answer the questions anyway! I am intrigued to know your answers…