A (hopefully) bright future for my child

It’s not about money. It’s about opportunities. Especially the opportunity to learn. My parents weren’t able to save for me, but they did give me pocket money. Unfortunately, I was undisciplined and even though I tried to save, I spent it all very quickly on useless things like sweets and pop!

I want my child to grow up with a good savings habit, to also enjoy those things I did, but to learn to understand, over time, what is valuable and purposeful. I hope that he will learn to think about all his interactions – be they relationships to people or objects, or how he relates to money, time, and other resources.
I want him to have opportunities in life to explore and discover who he is and a strong sense of purpose, maybe even destiny.
Saving and investing for him is just one way I can hopefully help him to have opportunities in the future, but the key thing for me is teaching him about his relationships to people, objects, and resources. I have set up a SIPP, a cash JISA and an investment JISA for him, and am planning to use them to teach him about long-term thinking, how to save money, goal-setting, and so on.
I don’t have much to spare, so decided to put his child benefit money into these accounts, split 3 ways. It’s something like £82 every four weeks, so I topped it up to £90 and decided to put £30 into each account once a month. It gets a bit fiddly over time between lunar and solar months, but whatever.
I am also thinking of getting him a current account in trust, where I will hope that he learns his first lessons in saving, as I am hoping to give him £1 or £2 a week in pocket money and encourage him to save half in the current account. I will explain to him that once he reaches £100, he will get a reward (the account has tiered interest from £100+). He can then continue to save for a large item e.g. a scooter, or he could continue saving for the future.
Fingers crossed, he won’t blow everything when he gets control of the JISAs at age 16 and then withdraw everything at 18…Photo Credit: feelart/freedigitalphotos.net


  1. Steve says:

    We’re still a few years away from having our first child and I hope to be able to teach my child sound personal finances. The fact that you are even spelling this out on your blog is definitely a huge step towards achieving your goal!

  2. Thank you, I hope he will learn to see future value and goals better, or rather, quicker than I did. It took until my late 20s before I really learnt about the power of goal setting and imagining future possibilities.

  3. That’s great! I look forward to reading about your success and your child is certainly off to a great start, as even a single pound now has so much future value due to compound growth. Teaching the value of money, budgeting & saving skills and being responsible with money are some of the most valuable lessons you can learn.

    Wishing you every success!

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