Comments on: Why Values Are More Important than Goals Value and Purpose in Life - Investing, Running, Nutrition Mon, 04 Dec 2017 17:10:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: M Tue, 21 Feb 2017 08:58:21 +0000 Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting. Totally agree with everything you say. It’s hard to focus on what really matters sometimes, doing things from a to-do list or our goals gives a small sense of achievement, sometimes a great one, but I find that the getting fades rather quickly. Thus I’m trying to concentrate on these deeper themes and values and live through them – the feeling you get lasts and feels deeper.

Please can I borrow the Tony Robbins CD?


By: Huw Tue, 21 Feb 2017 08:48:34 +0000 Refreshing post M. Thank you for sharing!

I’m well into my goals (as you know), but I’ve recently tried to make mine around habits and processes rather than just outcomes. I think outcome goals are useful for measuring progression, but I, and many others, get stuck on focussing on them and not the tasks that lead to that very outcome.

I love the concept of weekly family reviews. How wonderful!

I strongly encouraged Lou (she had little choice), to listen to Tony Robbins’ relationship CD to see if we could take some value from it as we drove home. Despite her initial resistance, she agreed to it. Probably just to shut me up.

And as per usual, Tony talked a lot of sense, and helped us start some deep and meaningful conversations about how we truly feel about each other and what we want from a relationship.

I’m a big believer in regularly reviewing processes – that includes finances, relationships, happiness or whatever really.

Thank you for the book recommendation, I’ll be sure to add it to my list. (BTW – the link isn’t working).

Speak soon
